GDV Research and Frequency Medicine

I recently had the honor of being a guest speaker at the ZeroPoint Global Conference in Las Vegas. I was asked to present my latest research using the GDV technology … a system developed by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov which measures the Human BioField, energy fields of water, seeds, soil and other substances as well as the larger Spatial Field. This advanced technology is highly sophisticated and is utilized in Russia and other countries as a Medical Diagnostic tool in hospitals and medical clinics; medical doctors, psychologists, biophysicists and other scientific researchers have consistently and repeatedly verified results.

GDV Cameraopens IMAGE file

Gas Discharge Visualization Camera
ZeroPoint Global is a company that produces high-frequency products that foster health, vibrancy and wellness on all levels. These products are truly at the forefront of the “medicine” of the future.

It is of course one thing to claim something about a product, quite another thing to prove and validate these claims scientifically. Using the GDV Professional Camera and Eco-tester I was able to do just that.

EcoTester measures effects of frequency medicine on the fieldopens IMAGE file

EcoTester for measuring the Spatial Field

It was exciting to explore, not only the effects of these products on our personal BioField, but also on the larger Spatial Field (sometimes referred to as The Field). I was also curious about how water would react to these products. Water, as some of you might know, usually acts as a recorder and carrier of energetic or frequency information.

My research centered around the 3-way synergistic relationship between our personal BioField, the field of water and the larger Spatial Field.

Wow! These products definitely do what they claim to do. Not only do they positively affect and enhance our BioField, but also enhance the larger Spatial Field around us, and the field of water as well. Each in turn enhances the other, creating a synergistic loop that affects everyone and everything in our proximity.


While exciting to see how these products enhance our level of vibrancy and wellness, what for me is even more exciting is to see evidence of the ways in which everything is inter-connected on an energetic or vibratory level.

We both affect and are affected by the Spatial Field around us … the effect is synergistic. Water is also part of this loop, which is tremendously exciting, as water not only absorbs information held in the Field, but also operates as a Field Generator as well.

This picture is a screen capture of a drop of water, showing the difference in glow (emitted energy) of water before (BL) and after enhancing it with the ZeroPointGlobal Frequency Disc.

Effects of Frequency Medicine Products on Wateropens IMAGE file

What a difference in size and vibrancy of the glow of the water after enhancing it.


When we drink enhanced water our own BioField is enhanced; so is the Spatial Field around us. We are between 70-90% water; drinking enhanced water further enhances the Field environment of our cells, promoting greater health and balance throughout.

This has interesting ramifications for the field of Epigenetics (the study of gene expression; Dr. Bruce Lipton has shown that gene expression is based on the Field environment, not on our pre-determined genetic structure).

Water as Field Generator

The chart below illustrates the ways in which the frequency-enhanced water affects the Spatial Field. This enhanced water doesn’t just hold frequency information, but emits it as well, affecting the greater field around it.

This chart measures the parameter of Intensity, the potency of “life force” of the energy in the Spatial Field. Each box represents a 10 minutes capture span. The red box measures the Baseline – the effects of non-enhanced water sitting passively on the table.

Effects on Field of Frequency Medicine Productsopens IMAGE file

The blue box measures the first 10 minutes of the enhanced water sitting on the table, the light green box, the next 10 minutes. Both boxes show the degree to which the enhanced water affected the Spatial Field. The water clearly has acted as a passive, yet powerful Field generator, increasing the Intensity of the energy in the Field.

After drinking the water I measured again. The last 2 boxes show how my BioField … now enhanced through drinking this water … affected the Spatial Field. Not much change immediately after drinking (tan box), other than a slight narrowing of the box & whiskers (indicating slightly more coherence) … the last green box, however, speaks for itself.

So we have an interesting 3-way Field interaction … the enhanced water affects the Spatial Field, drinking the water enhances my Biofield, which in turn further enhances the Field.

These interactions were across the board for all parameters measured, and was just one of many research studies done for this presentation, well received by all.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.




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