"Sound is the medicine of the future" ... Edgar Cayce

Health & Well-Being Through Bio-Acoustics

Experience enhanced health & well-being through these cutting-edge technologies … 10% non-invasive, safe and effective.

Encoder & Entrainer Drops

  • The BioSonic Encoder is based on cutting-edge bio-acoustic research and piezio-electric technology
  • Both the Entrainer Drops and the Encoder are programmed with over 100 frequencies that optimize human performance and enhance well-being
  • 1000’s of people all over the world experience optimum physical and mental performance, emotional balance and vitality

Deeper Sleep with the Sleep Coder

  • The Sleep Coder is based on cutting-edge bio-acoustic technology
  • programmed with a targeted range of special frequencies specifically designed to facilitate the various ranges of the sleep cycle to optimize deep, restful and healing sleep
  • The Sleep Coder, like the Encoder, is a piezio-electric device that broadcasts frequencies to bring the body & mind into a state of cohesive harmony
Encoder and Entrainer Drops

BioSonic Encoder

Give your life a boost … increase your vitality, physical performance and mental clarity today.

Contact me to purchase the Encoder and Entrainer Drops today.

A limited number of prototypes of the Sleep Coder are available for a nominal fee in return for feedback. To date, users have found the Sleep Coder extremely effective in promoting deep REM sleep; Some users have reported getting the first full night’s sleep in years.  I’m personally amazed at how refreshed I feel after a deep sleep … something I have been lacking for quite some time.


Please join the company of fellow Beta Testers and contact me to get a Sleep Coder today.

Sleep deep with Sleep Coder

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