Get Unstuck Now!

It’s Your Life – Own it

Fly High and Achieve the Life You Desire

Be All You Can Be

Get Unstuck Now!


Are you plagued by nagging self-doubt?


Do you second-guess everything?


Do you feel as if you matter?


Do you value other’s approval over your own needs?


Do you blame yourself when things go wrong?


Do you beat yourself up, or feel you're a failure, no matter how hard you try?


Do you worry that you're not good enough?


Do you set goals but never reach them?


Do you find yourself living the same story line over and over? (same plot, different players ...)


Live the life you want to live


Be the person you are meant to be


Find your voice and speak with confidence


Make clear and focused decisions


Become free of self-limiting beliefs that hold you back


Free yourself from negative self-talk & self-judgment


Achieve success in your life


Experience joy in everything you do


Fly free and strong in your life, relationships and career


Don't be brought down by self doubts or fear of rejection


Self-empowerment is key to having the life you want ...

Discover How Now!
3 Biggest Things Getting in the Way of Self Empowerment
Fear Keeps Us Safe and Stuck in Old Patterns

Our system is geared to keeping us safe. Unfortunately ”safe” often means doing, thinking. feeling, concluding the same old thing. Usually that means staying small, stuck in old story, believing the same old, same old, and acting accordingly.

Limiting Beliefs


Believing Your Limiting Beliefs are True

It’s important to identify your limiting beliefs not only as they come up, but also beforehand. The more you know what your limiting beliefs and programs are, the easier it is to separate yourself from them. Question those voices in your head that tell you that you are less than, not good enough, not worthy. Find evidence to the contrary … it’s there if you look for it.



Self-sabotage comes in many different forms

opens in a new windowNegative self-talk brings you down. The more you listen, the worse you feel … the more it skews your perception of what is real. This in turn distorts your understanding of situations and relationships and leads to self-defeating behaviors. Acting out these negative beliefs (either consciously or unconsciously) confirms and reinforces your beliefs, perceptions and feelings. It becomes a vicious self-sabotaging cycle.

3 Types of Self-Sabotage

Negative Self-Talk
Negative Self-talk Brings Us Down

It is easy to believe the voice inside your head, and the felt sense that accompanies it. If you tell yourself ”I’m a loser,” you feel defeated before you start, and won’t be at your best. Your actions will suffer, and prove yourself right. Thoughts are powerful creators of our reality!

Selective Filtering


Distorted Perception

Beliefs color your perception – the way you see the world, the meanings you  give to situations. You filter in everything that reinforces your beliefs, or old maps, and filter out everything to the contrary. This is how our brains are wired. Distorted perceptions affect your experiential reality, shaping it to match the internal movies in your head.



Actions Follow Belief

Self-defeating beliefs or programs create negative movies in your head. The brain just follows the movie, and our actions and behaviors follow suit. Once again,  this just creates a self-fulfilling loop and reinforces the movie, the self-defeating belief and your reality.

Claim Your Life!
Don't Waste Time in Self-Sabotage
Contact me for Free Consultation!
Clear those Beliefs that Keep You Small

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